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For hosting providers, resellers, or administrators managing multiple websites, WHM (Web Host Manager) offers a powerful and easy-to-use platform to create and manage cPanel accounts. Whether you’re setting up accounts for new clients or hosting multiple websites, the process is simple and efficient. In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step guide to create cPanel accounts using WHM.

Why Use WHM to Create cPanel Accounts?

WHM allows you to manage multiple cPanel accounts, providing each one with its own unique domain, email accounts, file management, and more. Whether you’re hosting websites for your clients or running multiple domains under a reseller account, WHM makes it easy to allocate resources and control account settings.

Let’s dive into the process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM

Step 1: Log into Your WHM Account

Start by logging into your WHM account using your username and password. WHM is typically accessed through a URL like Once logged in, you’ll see a dashboard filled with account management options.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Create a New Account” Section

In the left-hand menu of your WHM dashboard, look for the Account Functions section. From the drop-down menu, click on Create a New Account. This is where you’ll enter the details for the new cPanel account.

Step 3: Enter Domain Information

On the Create a New Account page, you’ll need to fill in the following domain information:

  • Domain Name: Enter the domain name for the new cPanel account (e.g.,
  • Username: WHM will automatically generate a username based on the domain name, but you can change it if needed.
  • Password: Set a strong password for the account. Confirm the password by entering it again.
  • Email Address: Provide an email address for notifications and account-related communications.

The form will look similar to this:

Username: yourclient
Password: **********

Step 4: Select a Hosting Package

Next, you’ll choose a hosting package for the new account. Packages in cPanel allow you to apply the same settings (e.g., disk space, bandwidth) across multiple accounts.

  • Choose a Package: If you’ve already set up packages in WHM, select one from the drop-down list.
  • Select Options Manually: If you haven’t created a package yet, click Select Options Manually to set custom resource limits like disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and databases.

Step 5: Adjust Settings

You can now customize the theme and language settings for the new account:

  • Theme: Choose between themes like X3 or paper_lantern for full cPanel functionality, or X3mail if the account is only for mail services.
  • Locale: Select the preferred language for the cPanel interface.

Step 6: Configure Reseller Settings (Optional)

If you’re creating a reseller account, check the option Make the account a reseller. You can also allow the account to own itself by selecting Make the account own itself. This gives the user the ability to manage their account and any associated resources independently.

Step 7: DNS Settings

Configure DNS settings for the new account by enabling options like DKIM and SPF, which help prevent spam. If the domain is using external nameservers, choose Use the nameservers specified at the Domain’s Registrar.

  • Overwrite any existing DNS zones for the account: This option ensures that any conflicting DNS zones are overwritten.

Step 8: Configure Mail Routing

Mail routing settings determine how emails are handled for the new account. You can choose from:

  • Automatically Detect Configuration: This is the default setting and is recommended for most users.
  • Local Mail Exchanger: Emails are handled locally on your server.
  • Backup Mail Exchanger: The server is set up as a backup mail server.
  • Remote Mail Exchanger: Email is handled by an external mail server.

Step 9: Create the cPanel Account

Once you’ve configured all the necessary settings, scroll down and click the Create button. WHM will process the request and set up the new cPanel account. After a few moments, you’ll see a confirmation message, and the new account will appear under Current Accounts.

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